RR haiku 074

would you create

something amazing for us

we have no budget


RR haiku 073

i’m not sure

who reads my poems

you do


RR haiku 072

a room full of people


holding drinks


RR haiku 071

yeah totally

i know

for sure


RR haiku 070

there’s so much out there

why would anyone ever

create anything


RR haiku 069

i just paid $15

for a glass of orange juice

it was worth it


RR haiku 068





RR haiku 067

why do they

get more than me

not fair


RR haiku 066

take it easy

breathe in

breathe out


RR haiku 065

all i want to do

is sit on a beach

and write haiku


RR haiku 064

find a space

invite many artists

ask them to bring their projector


“Liquid Crystal” group show in LA opening March 1

Into Time 13 11 27

Honor Fraser Gallery is pleased to announce Liquid Crystal Palace: Recent Works with Jeremy Blake, curated by Rhizome Editor and Curator Michael Connor and Nate Hitchcock. This exhibition is an opportunity to look at Liquid Villa (2000) by Jeremy Blake alongside more recent artworks by Jeffrey Baij, Petra Cortright, Chris Coy, Sara Ludy, Rafaël Rozendaal, and Travess Smalley. By bringing these works together, the exhibition will draw out shared concerns that have been obscured by the passage of time and Blake’s tragic death.

full press release


I was interviewed for NYU college radio “Citywide”


Color Warp .gif

color warp .gif


RGB sketch .gif

RGB sketch .gif


New website! Open That Window .com

open that window .com

New website! Open That Window .com

Code by Reinier Feijen, thanks!


“Looking At Something” at Telfair Museums/ Jepson Center in Savannah


I’m exhibiting work at the Jepson Center in Savannah, until February 27.

A Dutch-Brazilian artist based in New York, Ra­faël Rozendaal introduces himself as “a visual artist who uses the internet as his canvas.” The first artist to sell websites to private collectors, Rozendaal attracts international attention for his ability to transition internet art into physi­cal settings and objects. For PULSE, Rozendaal presents a dual projection installation of the website Looking at Something, which allows users to change the weather from sunshine to a thunderstorm. The exhibition also includes se­lected interactive websites from the past dozen years which suggest imagery from animated cartoons to abstract painting.


RR haiku 063


not fun



Art Criticism

It lacks courage. It’s ugly. It’s conformist. It’s safe. It’s too easy. It’s decorative. It’s predictable. Deja vu. It’s obvious. It’s unoriginal. It lacks vision. It lacks emotion. It’s too emotional. It’s too personal. I don’t connect with it. It doesn’t surprise me. It’s dry. It’s pedantic. It’s too logical. It doesn’t make any sense. It makes too much sense. It’s repulsive. It’s nauseating. I hate it. More of the same. No innovation. It looks like vomit. It hurts my eyes. It makes me sad. It’s ignorant. It’s primitive. It’s banal. It’s too glossy. It’s too polished. It needs polishing. It lacks technique. It doesn’t do anything for me. It’s trendy. It won’t last. It’s fragile. It confuses me. It’s design. It’s theater. It’s illustration. It’s an effect. It lacks depth. It’s cold. There’s no content. There’s no concept. Too conceptual. It’s too pretty. There’s no narrative. It’s boring. It’s clumsy. It’s too much. It’s elitist. It’s populist. It’s crap. It’s not art. It’s too artistic. It’s vile. It lacks poetry. I don’t believe in it. It’s empty. It’s awful. I can’t stand it. I never want to see it again. It’s vulgar. It’s retarded. It’s a cliche. I’m disappointed. It’s racist. It’s sexist. It’s classist. It’s nerdy. It pisses me off. It’s too heady. It’s too smart. It’s not gonna go anywhere. It’s academic. It’s dead. It’s irrelevant. It’s not contemporary. It’s uninteresting. It doesn’t have any meaning. It’s too commercial. It’s tacky. It’s a scam. It’s miserable. It’s exploitative. It’s negative. It’s fake. It’s not critical. It’s not aware. It’s too ironic. It’s appalling. It’s derivative. It’s annoying. It’s atrocious. It’s naive. It’s immature. It’s childish. It’s insufferable. It’s lazy. It’s convoluted. It’s contrived. It’s bloated. It’s unnecessary. I don’t trust it. I don’t get it. Whatever.


RR haiku 062

i wish

i could make a living

from writing haiku


Moving Circle .gif

moving circle .gif


Random Polygons .gif

random polygons


Big Shape .gif

big shape .gif


Moving images

rotating circle

I have always been interested in the space between painting and animation. The concentration of painting, the liveliness of the moving image. I operate in the area between those two.

Our relationship with the moving image is changing. They surround us, a bit more every day.

I imagine we will live in a world where there is no difference between a screen or any other surface. Any surface can change at will.

It is this feeling, or expectation, that drives me to create moving images.


RR haiku 061

what you have

what you want

what you need


RR haiku 060



too late


RR haiku 059

green tea

in a white cup

with a blue line


RR haiku 058

sun rises

sun sets



RR haiku 057

thank you

for reading



RR haiku 056

hopefully, one day

i will make something truly



RR haiku 055





JODI netart video walkthrough

On the occasion of JODI’s exhibition at Mama Rotterdam, I created a movie.

It’s a screenrecording of me browsing their chaotic body of work,
checking which works are still online, which works still run, exploring…

Hope u like it!


New Lenticular Paintings

Rafael Rozendaal lenticular paintings 2014

Rafael Rozendaal lenticular paintings 2014

Rafael Rozendaal lenticular paintings 2014


RR haiku 054





RR haiku 053

a calm fire


at its end