RR haiku 227

i feel at home

when i’m

not at home


RR haiku 226

crispy salty




RR haiku 225

time passes


time ends


RR haiku 224

i should be

i’m not

why not


RR haiku 223

that looks

so good

i love it


RR haiku 222

hot day

blue pool

dog barks


RR haiku 221



makes sense


RR haiku 220

what’s better


or likes


RR haiku 219

paint drying

grass growing

sun shining


RR haiku 218

dear computer

show me something

something cool


RR haiku 217

sometimes i miss

little holland

except when i’m there


RR haiku 216

eggs are great

trees are great

trains are great


RR haiku 215

why are sunsets

more beautiful

than traffic jams


RR haiku 214


i’m older

than yesterday


RR haiku 213



is perfect


RR haiku 212

don’t do too much

don’t do too much

don’t do too much


RR haiku 211

lots of time

too much time

all the time


RR haiku 210

explaining art

is like

explaining jokes


RR haiku 209

when it rains

water falls

from the sky


RR haiku 208

grey sky

cold rain

wet socks