breathing circle .gif

breathing circle rafael rozendaal


fast compositions .gif

fast compositions rafael rozendaal 2011


finger battle .gif

rafael rozendaal finger battle gif


blue red wheel .gif

blue red wheel gif rafael rozendaal 2011



animated fruits


november 2019 .gif

november 2019


out of time sketch

out of time

out of time

out of time

out of time

out of time


perspective sketch

perspective composition


tunnel sketch

tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch

tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch

tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch
tunnel sketch


water sketch

water sketch


four colors .gif


kiss sketch

kiss rafael rozendaal

a sketch for much better than this .com from 2006


pastel compositions

click here


elevator study 05

here it is (turn sound on)


elevator in progress

here it is (turn sound up)


corridors study


boatride study


triangle study
