RR haiku 147

not much

i can do

about that


RR haiku 146





RR haiku 145

plate was full

now it’s empty

back to work


RR haiku 144

can’t sleep

tried everything

still can’t sleep


RR haiku 143

very hot

very humid

very summer


RR haiku 142

no meaning

no message

no answer


RR haiku 141





RR haiku 140

i’ve tried

to spend less time

on my computer


RR haiku 139

new software

new hardware

same me


RR haiku 138

i love you

you love me

we love each other


RR haiku 137

fuck the syllables


is a haiku


RR haiku 136

dark room

bright screen

time for bed


RR haiku 135

everything’s fucked

might as well

be happy


RR haiku 134

downloading file

less than a minute



RR haiku 133

soft bed

heavy eyes

almost asleep


RR haiku 132

should i run

should i tea

should i nap


RR haiku 131

spring sun

summer breeze

winter mood


RR haiku 130

buy buy

sell sell

happy happy


RR haiku 129

will it ever happen

am i good enough

do they understand


RR haiku 128

hot in here

hot out there

no escape


RR haiku 127

might go well

might go bad

might not happen


RR haiku 126

sharp light of spring

sound of

honking cars


RR haiku 125

don’t overthink

don’t think



RR haiku 124

as long as

you’re not dead

you’re alive


RR haiku 123

thank you toilet

for swallowing

my poop


RR haiku 122

a strong urge to write

even if

there is nothing to say


RR haiku 121

what it was

what it is

what it will be


RR haiku 120

chill out

take it easy

it’s cool


RR haiku 119


never seen

heard or felt


RR haiku 118

writing down


comes to mind


RR haiku 117

thinking about

doing sit-ups

never mind


RR haiku 116

when there is nothing

i think of something

and dream of quiet


RR haiku 115

thank you spoon

you make it so easy

to eat soup


RR haiku 114

in my chair

wondering if i’m

sitting too much


RR haiku 113

cold out there

warm in here

hard to leave