enamel on canvas, 135 x 100 cm.
Andy Warhol themed exhibition curated by Jerome Sans at the Baltic Mill, Newcastle England.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
ink on paper, 41 x 31 cm.
Piece by piece, solo show at Angels Barcelona.
AW: Rafaël…
RR: Andy…
AW: How are you?
RR: I’m good. I just threw away a lot of trash so I feel really good.
There’s nothing I enjoy more than throwing away things.
AW: What did you throw out?
RR: Books, T-shirts, electronics… stuff. How are you?
AW: I’m OK.
RR: What’s the after-life like? (More…)
A month of projections at Sketch, curated by Alexandre Pollazon.
Quarantine series curated by Nina Folkersma
black & silver enamel on canvas, 151 x 122 cm.
Neentoday at Mu art foundation.
Afterneen, a neen show at Casco, that got demolished by a car crash.
December 2001, Solo show at the Electronic Orphanage in Los Angeles, curated by Miltos Manetas.